Hanna Hegenscheidt

Bios > People > Niels Bormann

Niels Bormann, born 1973 in Bremen. Since 2009 member of the Schaubühne Berlin Ensemble. Acting diploma at the University for the Arts in Berlin. Since then freelance Performer at the Sophiensaele, Ballhaus Ost, HAU, with Lubricat, Hanna Hegenscheidt (Lieb sein) among others. Guestengagements at the Deutsches Theater Berlin with Einar Schleef in "Verratenes Volk", at Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg with Ingrid Lausund "Hysterikon",at Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin among others with Bruno Cathomas "die Bibel 1-5". T.V. and movie productions include
"Mondkalb" (2008), "Adopted" (2010),"Ensemble" (2010). Since 2010 scene teacher at the University for the Arts Berlin.

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